Strange enough, Re-Cycle got quite a lot of bad comments in SPUG. But why me and Yan both agreed it’s a Grade A movie? Seriously, I dunno why.
I guess why LOTR and Harry Potter is so famous is due to the complex and logical storyline as a lot of details in the story are explained. For me, I dun really fancy movie with just plain heavy storyline. Rather I look for feeling and effects.
Feelings wise, I must well be touched, or rather get my eyes red and swollen. No need for the classic “I love you and I will love your forever and ever” and the female lead dies. I appreciate the part in I Not Stupid Too where the boy steal money just to pay for one hour of his father’s time, as his dad will get paid $500 for a one hour talk he gave. Also, I get touched mostly by Asian movie, as I can relate the storyline with my life. Ang moh’s lifestyle is too different from ours.
Effects wise, the reason I always chose movies over novels as I always believe there are too much things words cannot describe. Even if it can, it will lack a lot of details. Yes of course I can imagine the scenes myself while I read, but its never as entertaining as watching the real thing on screen. In Re-Cycle, the idea of “Recycling dimension” is complex but the plot is simple. It sums up on Ting-Ying traveling through this world and running away from undead. For example in words, how much can u describe the ruined blocks of flat? How much can you say about the Book City? But when its on the big screen, you can see the details from the camera and feel the atmosphere from the sound effects. That’s precisely what I want! That’s always why I like games like Halo and Half Life 2. To add on, large scale scenes simply make me go WOW, especially if its computer rendered.
I wanna see something special in the movie. Or rather something guai lan! The more guai lan the better it is. Im sick of the typical scenes the guy went some place and heard some noise and saw some shadow and got some weird feeling and at first its always not the ghost but smthing else, then the place is dark dark, suddenly some face pop out and AHHHHHHH.
For horror I want to see more guai lan things like more of how the ghost interact with human rather than just scaring them. And yes I want to see the ghost! I want to see how heads get squashed, I want to see how the brain flows out, I wanna see the rotting face of the zombies! And I want to see them CLEAR and let me enjoy the sadism for a longer period of time! Just imagine a human acted version of Happy Tree Friends with fantastic make up and computer effects. That is PERFECT! That is the kind of effect I want! For that, Saw II seemed to gimme that effect and the sadism I need.
For Re-Cycle, the close up of undead, the way undead dropped and smashed along the sides of buildings and the feeling of their dislocated limbs isn’t too frightening, for their face dun look too gruesome, but the sense of satisfaction of seeing them in close up is there. Just like in Half Life 2, where they let me see the close up of the Gunship where normally I can only see them from far. Further more the large scale scenes in Re-Cycle is kickass as well. Zombies, zombies and more zombies! That’s the way aha aha, I like I way aha aha! Reminds me of a chapter in Halo where I can lead a bunch of soldiers to fight a big bunch of Covanents, not somewhere in the building but under the bright day light!
I like The Eye 10 as well. Both by Pang Bros. Both Re-Cycle and The Eye 10 unveils the plot in “stages”, just like RPG. The Eye 10 introduce the 10 ways of seeing ghost one by one while Re-Cycle goes through the world part by part, just like a theme park. It sort of gives me the whole idea of this “Recycled World”. And again there is a lot of interaction with the supernatural rather than just scaring and running. Example is the part where the Ting Ying walks past the large grave yard and distribute flowers to appease the undead or the part when she get harassed directly by a few zombies from the tree or when she goes through the Embryo Tunnel.
As a note, The Eye 10 is a merge between comedy and horror, and I was luffing all the way, despite some others saying the humor is lame. LOL, who dunno im a lame guy? Obviously as a lame guy I like lame things. But I cant understand the “lameness” of the ang moh, that’s why I stay away from English comedy, cos I cant understand whats so funny in the end. Rather I stick to Zhou Xing Che they all lor.
I dun mind rip off from other story, provided its not a large part. Re Cycle ripped off small parts from different movies. Like in World Of Wars, the Alien Tripods look so much like the Striders in Half Life, but I would consider it a good use of idea than merely “koping” the idea. Creativity is creating smthing new, if you kope an idea and modify it to be better or fit it and make it part of something else carefully and smartly, its still creation!
Those more popular movies as said earlier comes with much complex storyline, more of events and character rather than scene. Events as in cases of backstabbing, tri-love, accidents, success or failure, conspiracy, obstacles and a lot of other human complex happenings. Characters includes the noble character, the smart guy, the gays, the mad person…. Logic comes in place to make sure all characters are linked with events, make sure all events are explained clearly. The more logic, the more events, the more characters the “better” (better to the rest but not necessary to me) the show is.
To sum up, I would like the storyline to flow, but no need complex events and lots of characters, as long as I lots of visual and audio effects and surprises and make my eyes water, its good enough for me liao. I dun like movies where it keeps dragging and the characters have lots and lots of talking and you have to listen well to their heavy conversation or flash back to understand the story well.

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Friday, July 07, 2006
Liu Lian Kia!!!
[ZOMBiE CyGiG] ranted at 9:36 PM --- Post#115227940279937459
Model Master - Ah Lam!
Today was a long long day, well there was Physics lecture, but no GP and Physics lecture, cos GP teacher go see doctor, then Physics teacher go Excel festival. So i only attended phy lect and civics throughout the day. Despite that i reached home quite late. Right after school, I was up on the 3rd level outside Choir room watching Gundam Master - Ah Lam do up his model. Before that he sms me saying he is playing toy...well see this pic:

TOYS! Hahahaha. Darren buying it from him for $50, poor Lam gotta fix it up + sticker + paint + texture it. He working on it since like 11am liddat.
So qiao today is Lam's birthday! Heheheh! Happy birdday to you, happy birday to u!! So me and Yan went out eat out usual Ba Chor Mee and bought a slice of cake for him.
Liu Lian Kia (part 1) !!!
We see see, wah one liu lian one dollar! The durian skin was spiky and yellowish, its Red Prawn ba (@ first i tot its D24, but i dun think so now). We asked if got Bao Jiak, the uncle never reply me, only say "buy two lah" then open two liu lian, show us inside ong ong eh! Hosay lah! Pretty decent esp its only $1 for one. Its those small liu lian. Small nvm, ho jiak ho liao lah!
We went to get Ah Lam;s birthday cake then...
The Cake
Me: Aunty, i want this one (pointing at the choc cake)
Aunty: (see see then ignore us)
Yan: Aunty, cake!
Aunty: U want how many?
Me: One lor!
Aunty: You can take yourself one (came over to take the cake)
Me: Isit? Ooooo, i tot need to ask for it de.
At the cashier...
Me: Can gimme one candle???
Aunty: For this small slice we dun provide candle one
Me: Err...spoon?
Aunty: Er...we also dun provide soon..
Me:(silence for a moment)
Me: Ok nvm, i shall stuff it into his mouth
Liu Lian Kia (Part 2) !!!
We smuggled the liu lians past the secu of AJC then up to the same place on the 3rd floor. Lam was diligently colouring the Gundam parts.
WTF the Choir ppl are there!!! Shit man how we going to jiak liu lian with so many ppl around...later they complain then si liao nia! As i sat down and take one liu lian gal said "eeee....why got durian smell?"

So me and Yan brought it to the fire hydrant next to the wall opening beside so the liu lian smell can flow out. There windy also. We open the liu lian eat. Hmm the flesh is not as red as typical Red Prawn, and it taste a bit like D24 nia? Hybrid? Dunno but it dun seem to be pure Red Prawn, or maybe the fruit still small thats why the taste never got "full potential" yet. Its nice anyway, nicer than any of those 3 for $10 Thailand liu lian. Our liu lian no watery flesh, dry dry de, seed quite small, one liu lian inside got 5 to 8 fruits. Its not as nice as those damn on and hiong Red Prawn i ate, but for $1, its definitely worth the price.

As I put my liu lian in my mouth, suddenly those ppl behind started to sing...."Hoooooooooooo.......". WTF, like some tone testing liddat, damn hell irritating...until i cant eat properly. Yan bursted into extreme laughter and Lam "migrated" from the bench to stay away from the noise pollution (eh no offence to Choir) and had his Choc Cake lunch.
The others were playing soccer down on the field. I shouted "Refree KAYOU!" then Yan threw the liu lian shell down over. The Goalie saw and attempted to catch the flying liu lian. Thankfully thats just part of my wild imagination.
The "Hooooooo" was there throughout our liu lian enjoyment. When we finished, we threw the shells into the bin (which stunk Shuan later on).
Operation traffic Light
Lam was waiting for Darren, who went back to his sec sch. So we kept him company for the whole afternoon. Meanwhile we ran to the micromouse room and checked out the peepz inside and went to Lib to lookup some mouse datasheet.
We also proposed to make a Hard Gay version of Gundam when Lam fixed it up...hehehhee backed with Ricky Martin's bg music! FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Darren came back by 6pm and I and Yan went home....on out way home...we saw this:

Wow...wanna hack the traffic light system?

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Thursday, July 06, 2006
鬼域 Re-Cycle
[ZOMBiE CyGiG] ranted at 9:59 PM --- Post#115219435666265133
So it began
Today is the 1st showing day for Re-Cycle in Singapore and so qiao its polling day for AJC. So me and Yan (from VR-Zone) head down to Princess in Bedok to catch it. Yan was late for 2 hours 30 mins!!! I asked him out @ 11 and when I called his house @ 11.30, he was still snoring in his bed nia. Anyway, he managed to arrive at 1.30 sharp just right to watch the movie. Well as usual there wasn’t more than 15 ppl in Princess Theater 3 (largest), so we could choose our own seats and make ourselves comfortable.
I wun go into the detailed plot as most of the story comes alive only with the visual and audio effect and by telling too much it will spoil your enjoyment. Basically this author Ting-Ying (Lee Sinjie) was writing on a new story, Re-Cycle. The 1st chapter touched on a long haired and awkwardly tall woman sitting on the living room. But she cannot continue writing as she did not have enough inspiration and therefore trashed the script. As she continued, weird things like appearance of unknown long hair, screaming in the receiver, shadow in the shower room unfolded. Coincidentally all these tallied with the plot in her script, so she decided to confirm it by typing about the lift stopping at the 7th floor in the flat. She deleted away that line and took the lift outside her house down. Sure enough, the lift stopped at 7th floor. As she reached ground floor, things had changed. The outside was no longer the usual area outside her house. Rather it’s two blocks of ruined flats. The long haired women she “trashed” appeared and she escaped. She then met with a little gal and with the aid of her great grandpa she tried to escape from this damned placed.
The idea behind recycling
From what I understand in the movie, the place Ting Ying went to wasn’t hell as most commonly occurred to be in most horror movies. This is a dimension which abandoned stuffs get to. It is in fact a “more advanced” underworld, in which not only dead humans go to, but rather everything that is abandoned, from objects to even ideas. This explained the appearance of the long haired woman which was the unwanted part of Ting Ying’s plot.
The story came from the idea of a computer’s Recycle Bin, where it’s a center of all unwanted stuff. So once in a while, large storm clouds would appear and “absorb” everything it came in touch and had it recycled.
Besides clearing the recycle bin, you can also restore data on a computer. Thus the Transit is a place where Ting Ying would have to go to get herself back to her world.
Fantasy and Creativity
I see a lot of creativity and fantasy put in this horror film. The plot goes like an RPG where Ting Ying travels through places of obstacles to reach the Transit. The next place would always be a surprise as you cant imagine how the producers will portray the area as visually.
Throughout the movie, there were a lot of places that looked so familiar, as if they were ported over from some other sources.
The ruined flats resembles those seen in City 17 (Half Life), the part where Ting Ying entered the flat and looked into the units with undead look like a part in House of the Dead. The hundreds of staircases linking two blocks of flats reminded me of Hogwart’s moving stairs (Harry Potter).
When they arrive at the Bridge of the Dead, the idea that living human would have to hold their breath to remain invisible to the walking corpse seemed to come from Spirited Away. The rocky bridge and orange sky looked like those in Jedi Academy.
The other side of the ruined flat with the Ferris wheel and pirate ship and the part where corpses were hung on the tree immediately made me think of The Park (咒乐园).
And yes, the rubbish bin used by Ting Ying was exactly the one in the Mac icon.
Great Effects
This must be the horror show that had the most 3D effects. From the Toy land to the Embryo Tunnel to the Transit, computer animation enhanced the fantasy part of the movie. They had a good mix of real scenes with animation to make audiences keep guessing which is which.
For example in the ruined flats, the 1st scene in the alley between the two blocks was real. I guessed its either a really ran down flat or larger scale props in the studio. While the scene further out of the area are animated. The scene of the other side of the flat with the ferries wheel and pirate ship was real as well. But in between the scene of Ting Ying climbing down one of the hundreds broken stairs was actually animated.
The animation in the Embryo Tunnel of the fetuses was excellent. They looked just like those on medical documentary just that this time they could open their eyes and scream around. Really make ppl think before they abort their child.
In a few scenes, the idea of corpse dropping from the sky is good, especially when viewed close and near, bashing into the surrounding objects and slamming flat on the ground.
Large scale scenes
This movie has a lot of 大场面, or large scale scenes. The ruined flats are a good example. The camera showed the entire row of flat repeatedly and later on zoomed out to show the ruined city behind. The Toy Land featured a scene of two ppl sitting on a train and behind is a large infinite “sea” of junk toys.
Often there are scenes of masses of undead walking as well as the eccentric sky with the Recycling Storm Clouds. The use of large scale scenes injects the “feel of action” into this horror film. Thus these made Re-Cycle not only horror but partly action as well.
Detailed rotten faces
I had seen a lot of horror showing only seconds of most horrifying ghoul in the movie. But in Re-Cycle, the camera was paused longer for audience to get a more detailed view of all the various undead, zombies, corpses… The lighting was bright enough to see almost everything you ought to throughout the film, thus not missing on any features on creatures or buildings.
There was a part where the undead hanging on trees surrounded her, there you could see the fantastic make up of the undead while they twist their neck and walked in an awkward way as if their joints were dislocated.
We Cried!
Yes, I and Yan cried! The storyline towards the end was so damn touching, way too touching for a horror. The 1st touching part comes where they actually offered fresh flowers to the mass of undead as they walk by, and instead of attacking, the undead seemed to be very grateful and they held out their decomposing hands to receive the flowers. The 2nd touching part is where the little gal told Yin Ting who she actually was (im not telling u….). It really managed to invoke strong emotion in me in how things that were abandoned tried to know the reason why they were abandoned.
For those who enjoyed the previous film by Pang Brothers, which is The Eye 10, you will enjoy Re-Cycle as well. But if you really want hardcore horror or think that the storyline is way too absurd, out of context, lame and dun give a damn in animations…well…then save your money.

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006
[ZOMBiE CyGiG] ranted at 3:49 PM --- Post#115208578249236041
Posting this while I shit on my CrapTop, well u see its much more inspiring and time saving this way….arggg….shit coming out…….ahhhhh…..
Kena Scolded
Kena scolded by my PE teacher yesterday..
“You can run one, but u refuse to do it, and this is not the 1st time im seeing this. If you want to talk, talk and run with the rest of the TAF ppl, your friend (Kiat) isn’t in TAF, he might had passed his Physical Test and need not bother…but you need to work a lot more……”
Haiz…why neh...Cos I HATE running…so ppl say “eh ZOMBiE, better brush up on your training, lets go play basketball want anot?” and I tell them “eh <insert name here>, better brush up on your creativity and sense of a unique self, dun mug le, lets go play with Photoshop”
Then another guy will say
“dun worry! You try hard enuff u sure will pass your physical fitness test one!”
So I replied
“Dun worry, Photoshop and Flash are damn easy, let me teach you a trick or two and you can rock the world with your rich media blog liao!”.
He then said
“Huh? I suck in IT lah, cannot do lah, I noe u pro lah. My computer is the basic one, can use can liao lah.”
I replied
“Ya lor, I suck in sports, cannot do lah, I noe u pro lah. My legs is the basic function, can walk can liao lah!”
Hahaha! Get it? Its not the matter of if I can pass Fitness Test anot, the point is I dun really give a damn! Even one day I can run 2.4 within 1 minute I oso wun feel the sense of achievement! Its like giving a Pentium D 3.2Ghz to Beckham, will he care? Or giving Bill Gates the chance to enter Olympics, will he care?
“Wah lau u sissy lah u cant even run. Hahahahhaa!”
Lets see, as the time goes, gals do sports as well, correct? Last time “SPORTS” seemed to be a term reserved for guys, but now gals do it as well, which makes it no longer a “guy thingy”. “TECHNOLOGY” is a term reserved for guys as well, but till now, few tech-pos are zhar bo! Which makes this field a somehow “manlier” thingy. So now who is the faggot?
Actually no one is that faggot. The idea is everyone has their own pros and cons. Just becos December like fashion stuffs makes him a gay? No rite…
IEM Test success
Today got some lan cheow toks lah…
“We arranged the toks based on your feedback!” said the teacher in charge.
Eh.. since when I fed back? We were merely asked to fill up a form and forced to choose a talk we want. Actually for me…no hope liao…still tok what tok nia…haiz….
So me and Kiat decided to go Audi to see how boring it is. Well actually we were enjoying the comfort of the aircon and testing out audio equipment. Wow with volume 13 or 14, 95% of the lecturer’s voice was drowned. Yes lah! Hahahha. Summore my IEM is quite invisible from the front as well.
Finally a KSC75 VS Porta Pro test! There is SOME difference which I cant really describe, but it dun make one worst than the other. I dun think my bass is weaker than his, but his cost twice the price! His cans definitely sounded $45 costlier. But having the head support, of course it will be much more comforty than clipping the KSC75 on your ears.
The career survey said im more suited for artistic jobs. Well I guess its pretty accurate, since I wanna be a digital GFX designer, sound engineer, behind the scene AV editor, free lance photog or some IT related jobs (no heavy programming please…).

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Qinobe Bye Bye
[ZOMBiE CyGiG] ranted at 3:35 AM --- Post#115195681157469902
School Reopens
Its like 3.30am in the morning and guess what, im still blogging! Tml (or rather today since its far after 12am) will be the official school day, for me at least. Normal lessons will resume, freaking PE will start, horrible Khumputing Coursework III will commence....ARGGGGG...all the stress will be back!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......And summore i needa face all those bimbos and posers in AJC again...haiz...and i learnt one term frm all the GP compre...this term call "bigots"
*bigot (noun)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
Actually i myself is one...but it make those who dislike me a bigger bunch of bigots! offence, no offence! Dun think too NOT really refering to STUDENTS. dream typing...yawn...
Oh ya...still got GP 4 compre untouched and one compo....ooooo.....HECK lah...exam over liao dun expect me do hols hw!
When i packing my bag just now...really dunno what to pack in lor...i like "sure tml got lessons anot?". All my notes and file got messed up when i revising a lot of things gone..and i lazy look for them.
Qinobe Bye Bye
Poor Tomato tml still got her econs paper...poor gal...awwwww...and stupid her dun reply my sms and call UNTIL...when QINOBE got kicked out of the revival round. She came sms and suan me liao le lor...Haiz...if Mi Lu Bing wasnt kicked out, QINOBE would had won the revival round...heng Summer Breeze also died...if i shall bomb their houses...
More inspiration on CrapTop
Well im now typing on my CrapTop. I shall tok more about this CrapTop later. Basically, this is a very low end laptop i bought for $50 and spent another $100 upgrading it. Well, it still can do blogging and IM and watch some videos on youYube u see. Its much better to blog on my bed with all the lights off than to get stuck on my desktop lor. More inspiration also lor.
Big Slack = 85KG
Tml got PE. Weight surely go up like hell...hmmm...85KG? Possible...i had been eating a lot of Big Slax burgers lately. In case u wondering what Big Slack is, its a burger inevented my lim peh, trying to mimic Ramly's Burger. Its simply normal fish/chicken meat slice with eggs and lots of chilli sauce in between the powdery muffin burgers. Shall post pics and recepie next time.
NQMM Tiao Se Pan
Bought NQMM's Tiao Se Pan CD also. Me had been spending quite some time with my parents lately, the period just before exam and the period just after exam. Accompany Mum, sis and mum's bunch of friends with their children. Well but most of the time im walking on my own or taking my sis around looking at NDS and Lite and PSP. Well i guess my parents shld be glad that at this age, im still willing to go shopping n do groceries with them lor...yawn...

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