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I Call Myself ZOMBiE CYGIG
"Educated" At Maha Bodhi School, Victoria School, Anderson JC, LASALLE College of the Arts
What I Do Lazing, Hobby Crafting, DIY, Graphic Design, Computer Stuff that you don't get it
What I Avoid Hipsters, Soccer, Apple Brand, Outings
How Am I Like Logical, Practical, Off-Beat, Anti-Social, Sarcastic
No using of my blog skin and zB Blog Tools without my permission.
Some music streamed to blog can be freely distributed under Creative Commons.
Others are linked from external websites.
2 years ago, when i dunno who the hell Yat PV is, i hurried to my P4 desktop to check my PAE posting. I launched Opera and went to the lagging MOE website. One's and Zero's flowed into my comp and after some waiting....i saw "Anderson Junior College". Eh...i tot its suppose to be "Temasek Junior College".
My first reaction was... what is "Anderson Junior College"? As in none of my Victorians had mentioned about it b4. Yes i had heard of Raffles, Meridian, Catholic, the new Innova, CI, and especially VJC since its affliated to VS and TJC which my parents though its convinent to go there from home.
Mom came into my room and asked with concern which JC i got into. At that moment i dint know what to tell her, because i myself is still trying to recall from memory for drabs of impression what "Anderson Junior College" is.
So my mom came to the comp, though she is computer illiterate, she could read "Anderson Junior College" off the screen. She frowned. And she though for a while.
"Ohhhh...." She seemed to get enlightened after some moments of though...and i was expecting a satisfying answer from her.
"Its in Ang Mo Kio!" she continued.
I have been living in the East of Singapore for long. "Ang Mo Kio" sounds far to me. "It's ok, i will take you there see see, i want to see how AJC looks like as well". It sounds like...taking me to some kidnapping organisation.
So few days after, i went online to look for a bus to goto AJC. No direct bus. And my mom search the street directory and with my uncle's help, we finally figured out a way to get to AJC. First, go to the bridge two blocks away from my house, then cross the bridge to arrive at Eunos. Walk across the large Eunos carpark to Eunos Central. Then take the MRT from there till City Hall. From City Hall, change to the line that goes to Yio Chu Kang. From there, simply walk out of the station and walk towards the factory like building.
Wow...sounds far...well it isnt THAT far...its only a one hour trip!
So upon arriving on a Saturday with my mom to AJC, we stepped in. The first step tells me its not friendly, the second tells me im not welcomed. The third step tells me im dead.
Anyway i went in and...well saw the ground near the canteen area all wet...and the blue and yellow benches deadly resemble those in the old VS compound that we abandoned, wtf they got here? A single girl in this bluish-grey uniform rushed to the coin-phone can called. HUH? Dun they allow handphones?
This photo was taken by my Palm Zire71s, on 12/28/2004 / 12:34:34pm
This is damned...The 1st impression wasnt qutite right... . . . . . . . . . . I went on a chalet with Tomato then, and told her about my AJC and that some gal had justed called me in the one of the previous days about Orientation. We were at some Mcdonals eating ice cream while the other relatives were chatting in the resort rooms. All she could do was to stare at me earnestly and...wished me GOOD LUCK. . . . . . . . Orientation began, I remember the 1st day i agreed to meet Bryan Low at the gates. Bryan was my sec 4B classmate who sat beside me. He took AEP while Im on DnT. AJC was dark and gloomy then...as its still in the rainy season...The morning seemed to mystify AJC...
I was standing alone...and that really i see soo many girls around me for the first time. I kept calling Bryan while he arrived late. I met Gek Han there as well. I cant find more than 10 Victorians there...now i know why previously i had not heard any about AJC.
Orientation began...and so is the lie. The orientation is a lie. And so is the first three months. Ignorant me totally disregard the advised from my seniors to leave AJC. I remember one said "我们是上了贼船才不能走。。。你还可以逃,First three months 后快走!".
I ran into some unreasonable people that scores a deep deep wound in me during the 1st three months...and that skool still looks fun. So i decided to stay on....
Who knows...after that JC hell began... all the mugging and all the complications woke me up from honeymoon and found myself in depression and no way to catch up on my studies.
I began to regret my decision. And as the more i knew about my skool, the more clear things become, and the more hurting the truth. Maybe its not just AJC, but rather JC. I somehow totally lost my motivation to study. I began to slack and slack, and i feel such a strong force coming from everyone in studies that i began to give up. I hate math, i hate it forever, i was like damn shocked when i realised that Math 9233 is just continuation of A-Math, which i flunk in O Levels.
While all that happened, i began to search for some life instead. I took up blogging after 1st three months of AJC and began to learn Photoshop. I started with ZERO knowledge on programming and after some teachings by my computing teacher, i tried some Flash software development. I began to go out more and watch more movies and listened to more songs. More and more i discovered some beauty out there. I learned to relax through music and movies. Learnt to enjoy the greatness of slacking...
Now two years had passed. Im still liddat. Exams after exams i told myself, "ahhh nvm this time screwed up...". To me, A's is just another exam. I once told a Sec4 girl that after O Levels, if she decide to go JC, she will have to mug 1000 times. She replied, "it will be 0 x 1000 then, since i DUN MUG!". LOL nice answer, I loved it!
Am i worried for my A's? Not really, its just another exam, and it happened to be the simplest in the two years and that please, let me fail this last exam for the last time and please, from then on spare me. So please! A's faster come, let me be anxious 30minutes before the exam, then i will settle down and after 3 hours thats it! After that there will be no more mugging for at least 2 years. I dun care i fail A's...please..just make it pass quick...
so that i can erase my memories of all that in AJC....
Ok no offence Elvin, u noe i always TRY to be as balanced as possible in my blog. Ya i TRIED.
WE love Elvin dun we? This cute little boy living in lala land, with great results and good amount of cash. "Money makes the world goes round" is his favourite phrase.
But what made him so special? He is a "harddisk drive". IE he eats info and eats into and store them and eats info and store them and slurp them out. He memorises stuff without much thinking and often restrict to skool books and lecture notes. Well...i guess he always get what he wants...say when he cant beat us in GunZ, he simply want us to stand and let him kill (note i already loosen up and relac when playing the first and last match with him). Thereafter he lost, he dint play with us anymore. I gave him tips but well...he still died a lot. This is nothing strange as he is a beginner.
This is the classic advise from parents "aiya that 2 guy bully you then dun play with them lor. Go away from them, they are bad examples for you, u stick tot hem u always become bad.". Yea, im bad!
So some nites after i heard he reached level 15 (sad Kiat only level 5 now!!!), i called him, he say he will reply me later on....Well he dint...anyway the game was much more fun without him.
Elvin bullied me! he say he will return me a call but never! So i dun play with him lor! mama said one! Later i become bad bad and rape girls (oops!)
We all know he hog the teacher a lot during Computing practical. I mean he is really the spoon-fed kind that wants every single info from teacher into his HDD, or rather he himself. Can he think a bit b4 he ask teacher? Ok...why did he want to join Computing if either he dun have the passion for it or dun wanna practise programming? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Everyone reading...i guess i already preparing to jot down other points about Elvin and mega fame him on your blog or my comments liao?!
Hahah relac relac... read on....
Well there is always a side of someone that we often mislooked (mistakenly overlooked). Did anyone notice Elvin is actually a kind person? He dun really come about flaming ppl or plot evil tricks on others or crititise others (am i wrong?). He dun really whine and complain as much as well. He is just living in his own happy land.
He is happy and he does not have hatred, depression and jealousy in him. Elvin is just a plain simple guy that dun think too much. "ignorance is bliss", though he may crap smtimes...but overall i can tell he is blinded to all those "poisons" of JC like others. He need not worry much of his grades since memory work will pass him, even it isnt a good grade its still a pass....unlike me...never pass b4.
He need not spend time on his blog fucking AJC and all AJ's flaw cos he just dun really bother or feel the impact. I dun think he locks himself up in the toilet and cry like i do sometimes when JC is just unbearable.
He need not worry how ugly or handsome he look cos again he isnt bothered by it. He need not worry no gals tok to him cos he isnt attracted to chio bu-s.
Elvin is just like a baby...innocent.. VERY innocent...you scold him he also wun mind... Sometimes i wish im like him...becos thats one of the way to 4get all troubles....
As usual me and Jeremy went MP lib to mug mug mug today. Ok we felt quite hungry and went down to the Cafe for something to munch on.
We started to look for the cheapest, since everything was $2.50 and above. We found this Honey Grazed Wings, and tot all the fragrance luring us to the Cafe was from this delicacy.
Jeremy: (whispered) Go ask how many wings lah... $3.20 leh Me: Aiya dun throw face lah, Cafe one wing $3.20 nothing unusual Jeremy: (dun care me, proceeded to counter) Eh....this Honey Grazed Wings...how many ah?!
Cashier: (pretend neber hear) HUH?! Jeremy: THIS HONEY GRAZED WINGS GOT HOW MANY IN ONE SERVING?! Cashier: (ear wax dropped out of his ears) ohh..got SIX!
I was like, WTF 6 wings!! 6 Chicken wings for $3.20 leh! ^^
So we went ahead and ordered the wings and a vege pie to share. Meanwhile they heating stuffs up, we went to the couch and relax and tok about some TJ VJ zhar bo.
Finally the food came...and this is what i get:
WOW, did they first said its only middle joint?! And WTF? Each wing is even shorter than my index finger! This one not chicken wing...this one is one month old chick chop off wing then honey graze on sia!
Jeremy scanned his eyes around the counter...and found a pic of the wings, featuring them something like this:
HOLY! The power of macro shots are really unbelievable, making the wings look like so damn big!
Jeremy: Haiz...zombie...what you see is never what you get man...
New album 将军令 by 吴克群 Kenji. Released in October 2006, im considered quite late to buy this album since its almost November le.
Overall, being a fast mando music lover, i prefer this album to his previous two. This album has five faster-paced lively songs which drives you 'higher' than subutex and also five touching love songs. Which sort of bring variety in this album. All lyrics and music are composed by Kenji in this album.
The 主打 "将军令" uses a lot of Chinese instrument like 唢呐 (chinese trumpets) and chinese drums and Gu Zhen, which sort of mimic Jay's "Zhong Guo Feng", which is to make pop music with lots of China feel and styles. But Kenji definitely has his own style in terms of singing, which i feel is quite clear in articulation and his unique 转音 and especially in his lower tones. his rapping isnt as good as other artists but he did a good job by keeping the rap in a simple rhythm and get this point across.
In the song "将军令", The General i suppose refers to Westerners cos he mentions about "西方人" in the song. Some people like to follow the western cultures (the "General"?), speaking "yo yo yo" on the streets, and wearing Bling Blings on their outfit, but it does not mean the grass is greener on the other side and that he felt that different places have different culture and he feels proud speaking chinese in his homeland, be it that his english sucks.
The song "冠军", seems to imply something on the 6th Global Chinese Music Awards, that it does not matter if you win the award or not, the most important thing is that when you sing, you try your best and produce the best music. He might be trying to say he is not the best singer and he cant rap well, but he is happy with himself thats the most important.
Like previous album, "男佣" is a cute song like "大舌头". Spinning a mini story of he and his Korean girlfriend and how a man becomes the maid of this unreasonable girl. He makes meal, massage and let her wack all the while just to please her. lol good song!
Overall this is quite a nice album, worthy of buying, the China parallel import version comes with a poster as well.
Nothing to say...today math tuition revise Vectors. I finally got some hand of it. Though it took extreme long to think of one question. But doing a few TYS qn i seem to catch the pattern liao. Ya i realised smthing... when i ask my tuition teacher smthing, he always say "its in your lecture notes". Then he will pick up my notes, and flip flip flip and ta-da! Everything there.
Seriously, i neber know the treasure inside my notes, and my tuition seem to noe my lecture notes more than me do. And he can search the notes and summarise everything damn fast. Really pei fu him!
I see him few more times no see liao. Say bye bye lor!
Well, i looking forward to thurs. Come one, its just another exam! Let me fail the last time ans spare me for life! Please....faster all this 2 years of crap...
Left: My tissue prata @ Vivo City Right: Some remote control toy plane @ $59
Who say AJCians no creativity....seriously... this poster escapes no attention... But the problem is...your aiming that good??
Notice: "Three levels: Passed, Advanced and Failed" Under Advanced: "For marginal failure case; decision will be made on a case by case basis at PCC level"
Interpretation: The more you masturbate, the more chances of getting advanced. NO WONDER ah yan didi advanced to J2!
I had enough! Day in day out me and Jeremy goes to Marine Parade to mug. Be in in the library, Mc, Burger King...blah blah....i just enough!
Everyday is the same, sit there eat and study and grow fat and eat and study and eat and study....
At nite i relieve a little by playing GunZ...then i wake up at 11.30 again, wash up and goes to Marine Parade again! This is fucking killing me like mad.
Ok I dun wanna lie anymore. But to all those online that i had been telling them im mugging...ok im lying... When i anyhow recall some formulae to Frank it suddenly gave him motivation. When kiat see me mug he also get anxious and mug a bit.
When others are lying that "I no need study one also can beat XXXX in physics!", and then go home and memorise all his books, stupid me goes round teling ppl "shshshshsss, im mugging, i can do it! Thats the way! I want to get my A's! I mug i god! I math god! Muahahaha", when im actually falling asleep in front of the comp foruming.
Jeremy told me last nite he is damn sad, cos he thinks he cant make to Uni to do his part as a good son. He thinks his parents are uber good ppl and he ought not to disappoint them. His friends beside him all got gf and made it to uni yet he dint do anything great. So he put studies in the first and foremost, becos that will definitely make his parents happy.
Thats why thru these 3 years, he mug and mug and mug...hoping to get to Uni. Now he tot he cant make it.
Little did he knew everyday i see him mugging hours and hours non-stop remix. Little did he knew that he has a compassionate heart for his parents which most of the students i Singapore no longer have. He dint know about his integrity and honesty and his maturity(compared to me -_-). He had forgotten about his passion for music, how he plays without score and how he like it on his piano.
All he knew was "i think mugging will do me great, i see others doing it, i shall do my best!"
Today i saw the real destructive power of mugging. I mean he could had composed some music and become a famous online musician (maybe i help him put in lyrics?). He could have taken part time job as music teacher and earned some $$$? But mugging covered and brainwashed him. It has blinded himself of what he really wanted and what his passion is. But no doubt i noe he is gonna do well in A's. But remember do not repeat the same mistake after A's.
And I am starting to become one...though i dint really mug (in 6 hours all i could do is to summarise 2 phy topics, not including practising TYS, and i only do math 2 hours a week during tuition), but all these are far more muggation than what i did in past 2 years. And im fearing mugging now. Cos i will willingly lock myself up in Marine Parade Lib and sit there and try to study. Its MUNDANE! Its BORING! And mugging is starting to kill me.
Not long...i will began to numb of mugging. I will love mugging...and i will be a mugger. Or perhaps im already one now?
This is right for all those girls who refuse to believe 99% of the guys surf porn...
KATE: The internet is really really great TREKKIE MONSTER: For porn KATE: I’ve got a fast connection so i don’t have to wait TREKKIE: For porn KATE: Huh? There's always some new site, TREKKIE: For porn! KATE: I browse all day and night TREKKIE: For porn! KATE: It's like i’m surfing at the speed of light TREKKIE: For porn! KATE: Trekkie!
TREKKIE: The internet is for porn KATE: Trekkie! TREKKIE: The internet is for porn, KATE: What are you doing!? TREKKIE: Why you think the net was born? Porn porn porn!
KATE:Treee—kkie! TREKKIE: Oh hello kate monster KATE: You are ruining my song TREKKIE: Oh me sorry, me no mean to KATE: Well if you wouldnt mind please being quiet for a minute so i can finish? TREKKIE: Me no talkie KATE: Good
KATE: I’m glad we have this new technology TREKKIE: For porn KATE: Which gives us untold opportunity TREKKIE: For por—oops, sorry KATE: Right from you own desktop TREKKIE: For --- KATE: You can research browse and shop, until you’ve had enough and your ready to stop TREKKIE: FOR PORN!!
KATE: Trekkie! TREKKIE: The internet is for porn! KATE: Noooo TREKKIE: The internet if for porn! KATE: Trekkie TREKKIE: Me up all night honking me horn to porn, porn, porn!
KATE: That’s gross you’re a pervert TREKKIE: Ah, sticks and stones Kate monster KATE: NO really, your a pervert, normal people don’t sit at home and look at porn on the internet TREKKIE: Ohhhh? KATE: What?! TREKKIE: You have no idea. Ready normal people?
NORMAL PEOPLE: Ready--- ready ----ready TREKKIE: Let me hear it! TREKKIE AND GUYS: The internet is for porn! PRINCETON: Sorry kate TREKKIE AND GUYS: The internet is for porn! PRINCETON: I masturbate! TREKKIE AND GUYS: All these guys unzip their flies! For porn, porn, porn! KATE: The internet is not for porn!! TREKKIE AND GUYS: PORN!, PORN, P---
KATE: HOLD ON A SECOND! Now i know for a fact that you, Rob, check your portfolio and trade stocks online ROB: That’s correct.
KATE: And Brian, you buy things on Amazon.com BRIAN: Sure!
KATE: And Gary, you keep selling your possesions on Ebay GARY: Yes I do!
KATE: And Princeton, you sent me that sweet online birthday card PRINCETON: True!
TREKKIE: Oh, but Kate-What you think he do . . .after? hmm?
PRINCETON: . .yeah
KATE: EEEWWWWW! TREKKIE AND GUYS: The internet is for porn! KATE: Gross! TREKKIE AND GUYS: The internet is for porn! KATE: I hate porn TREKKIE AND GUYS: Grab your dick and double click KATE: I hate you men! TREKKIE AND GUYS: For porn, porn, porn! (harmonizing) porn, porn, porn, porn
KATE: I’m leaving! TREKKIE AND GUYS: Porn, porn, porn, porn, porn, porn, porn, porn KATE: I hate the internet! TREKKIE AND GUYS: Porn, porn, porn, porn
TREKKIE: The internet is for TREKKIE AND SOME: The internet is for TREKKIE AND ALL: The internet is for PORN! TREKKIE: YEAH!
I, ZOMBiE CyGiG, hereby sincerely and solemnly pledge that,
- I will NOT regret if i do badly, fail or not able to enter University after A Levels - AJC/JC life is NOT the desired path of education that i chose and that its due to my mis-judgements and society pressure that I enter this path of education - I will have a bad impression on AJC college life, except for my friends and teachers that made my day - I will keep in mind of a certain misdeed that a certain female student did to me unless the misunderstanding is explained or when forgiveness is seek and granted - I denounce the act of mugging as far as I can within reasonable limits - I will embrace Creativity in my life - I will always have faith in my blog - I will pursue my interest in IT and designs as far as I can - I will remember those who helped me along the way and lent me a hand - I no matter under what circumstances, will try to remain as myself, be it how corrupted my character and moral is - I will NOT regret if one day i seek Death as an alternative due to pressure or other intolerable circumstances -I believe that being happy is the reason for Living and that there is no reason for me to make myself miserable
[This is a computer generated pledge and requires no signature]
My softshell turtle decided to munch up the last joint of a chicken wing this morning. Watch how it slowly tore the meat apart and ate them. Most of the meat and softbones are eaten, with exception of some larger and hard bones...Well i guess it need not eat again till one week later....
Take note at 1:19 when it rips off part of the wing while supporting it with its leg and swallow a big mouthful of chicken.
The library is a nice play, esp Marine Parade library! Why neh? Cos got VJ, TJ, TKGS, TKSS, Cedar chio bu mah! Wah lao i went to the 'M' floor, saw this whole pack of TKGians lying on the floor, reading book, as if like beach liddat. On the corner got this Cedar girl sitting nicely there alone...woooo...also got lots of Victorians gathering around.
I sms Kiat say i see a lot of gals here. He reply say he there got even more. Kiat >> here got fajar sec, greenbridge sec, uniform all translucent one! Me >> Me here not even wearing uni, all not wearing anything! Kiat >> Here like geylang Me >> Eh where u? Kiat >> Bukit Panjang Mc Me >> Mc can mug one meh? Kiat >> Can, buy one ice cream wait for it to melt, meanwhile mug.
LOL I bursted out luffing in the library, then everyone look at me.
Me and Jeremy mugging halfway...then he ask me "eh HOT a not?". I woke up (from my 2 hours study nap) and rub my eyes..."no leh, ok what."
Then 2 ah beng come sit beside me mugging for O's chem.
Beng 1: Whats the insoluble sulphates ah? Beng 2: Chee Bye Lan Cheow?! Beng 1: What fuck chee bye lan cheow? Beng 2: orh....CBL lor! Beng1: What CBL sia? Beng 2: Copper, Bromide, Lead Sulphate lor...
I dint mug much....mostly day dreaming...but at least got mug some...better than at home mug none at all. On the way out of the lib, Jeremy asked again, "just now you got feel HOT anot?"
I reply "no what, why u keep asking?" He say "You got see that VJC zhar bo beside me?! Si Bei hot! I cant concentrate! Wah lao if i go VJC then stay there 3 years (retain 1 year) i wank everyday there sia! VKC zhar bo damn hot!!"
Ok...so much for the heat source in library...Ya Tomato is right...we should go in the toilet to mug...there can concentrate better....
Translation: One day, Ah Boy asked PaPa some questions...
Ah Boy: PaPa, why making love is shiok? PaPa: Its just like you picking your nose, of course shiok lah!
Ah Boy: PaPa, then why is the gal feeling more shiok than the guy?! PaPa: Of Course Lah! Its your nose that is shiok, not your finger mah...
Ah Boy:PaPa, why when gals get raped they feel tellyburry upset? PaPa: You see ah, if you walk on the street then someone anyhow pick your nose, you happy anot? You buay song rite!
Ah Boy: Why when gals having period, cannot make love? PaPa: Your nose bleed liao will you still pick it with your fingers?
Ah Boy: oooo...then PaPa...why men dun like to wear condoms? PaPa: YOU GOT WEAR GLOVES PICK NOSE ONE?! Dun have rite...
Everyone had gone for GP prep...and what am i doing here? Skiving? more or less. Its either there is some MSN problem or everyone had gone for prep? All so guai?
Anyway, went mugging with Jeremy @ marine parade library yesterday....cant quite concentrate but did more than what i did at home, mainly due to the aircon and quiet environment i think. Or perhaps its all the TJ and VJ and TKSS and TKGS chio bu around?
Jeremy: Wah, those VJ one quite chio.... Me: ya got TJ one also, TJ gals are cute Jeremy: VJ ones are elegant and CJC's have lots of character and personality Me: AJ one neh? Jeremy: KANA SAI!! Waste my time only...
Well got an sms from tomato telling me she passed all but math and bio. Math she just pass the paper, but overall with all other assessments she still failed. She got 28/100 for bio.
GP - pass/subpass Econs - pass/subpass Math - fail Bio - fail chem - pass/A pass
She needs 2 A pass, one subpass... i hope got moderation for her. Seriously why all my juniors failing their promos?
Wen Yan: Math - fail Phy - pass/A pass GP - pass/sub pass Geog - ???
He also barely made it.... How many times i said not to follow my footstep?
Translation: To all my fans out these, if you seriously have any problems and really need my help, I think you can feel free to email me or post a message on my new blog. Then your can communicate well with me and MAKE CONTACT (接触) with me if you wish. So that your can understand me better, my needs and my situation right here right now. If there is anything I can help, i will DO MY BEST, and DO IT QUICK and FUFILL your NEEDS.
Oh ya and just in case your had picked up any UNDESIRABLE habits, like puffing or drinking. I hope your can really quit them, becos though a lot of ppl think puffing is kool but my IDEAL PARTNER are those who do not smoke.
So It Ends So two years ended. Good game. Well today's grad ceremony is quite lengthy...its totally different from sec 4's graduation ceremony. That time was tears and snots. This time is "AHHHH" when we are requested to stand up on arrival of the GOH. LOL, u never look like the PE teacher's face when we refused to stand up!
The most commendable part of the concert is Math department that skit. They really look like students in AJ uniform lor! Conclusion: Skool uniforms muggified everyone including big adults! Actually if the gals are given the choice to wear their own clothes (or dun wear at all) a lot of chio bu will surface, now they all hiding behind the AJ uniform.
I was half asleep when SH told me "eh your wife! She neber wear specs today!!". Then i peeped through the crowd! OMG...LOL. Forget what i say about chio bu just now....
Then again i was half alseep when this time sihui poke me up. She yelled "YOUR GALFRIEND!!" I opened my eyes to see a photo of certain CCA and again that face on the screen. WTF....cant you guys just let me rest in peace? I mean ya its the last day....no need make me suay rite...
Then Form teacher gimme this yoyo which i crashed on the floor within 5 minutes. Took some photos in class and went to see Yat PV. For the first time she looked so cheerful. Strange enuff Shaun also in APTS. Well she sounded like a bit giving up on us like. Simply wished us good luck and within 10 minutes let us go le.
By then my stomach pain like fuck le. Must be the char kway yesterday. Cos the aunty told me last time got one gal eat their char kwuay until lips red and swollen cos too spicy. So from then on she dare not put too much chilli. Thus i asked for more chilli. She gimme one big spoon and in order not to waste food i just poured all in.
Shaun pulled me eat Pizza Hut, tried the $30 Triple Cheese one. Wah lao i cant eat...eat only 1/4, in the end da bao the 1/4 home. Then in Pizza Hut, the whole place like kena booked by AJCians liddat. One table saw some MK and her bf. Another is all Choir.
Then i da bao home, reach home and pang sai....then sleep for the rest of the day. When i woke up at 5pm, i began searching for my remaining pizza. Wah lao my dad go eat all the rest. Nothing left....fuck lah i still owe Shaun $4 pizza money then he liddat eat up everything....
Feelings I had a terrible 2 years, i dint enjoy skool, i wun look back at AJ times. Well i always forced these ideas into me. But sometimes i realised there are still worth-remembering memories in AJ. Although most are quite dark. The surprising thing is...when i ask myself what is so dark about AJC, i need to hestitate and think, yet when ask me what fun i had....i can list down quite a lot...
-making posters for AJ ("we make until no need text also you can feel 'non mihi solum'!" ended up anyhow make then point to the screen, "CAN YOU SEE? NON MIHI SOLUM!") -family day (when Potato joined me) -luffing at kung fu master -stupid IT support for Chinese current affairs -enjoyed toking cock w Wester Food aunty -Loading Linux and cock skool comp -calling Mr Chan shuai ge . . . .
more to go.
So ya even its a dark place i guess still got some fond memories left. Soon after they will fade away. Soon after all all these will be buried.
Getting prepared for smthing worst in next stage of life...
Why you give up so easily? Math teacher ask me how many times i do math a week. I dunno how to answer. I only look at her and give her to "well...its ok" smile.
Time flies...2 years gone. Or rather wasted. I remember i cried during VS-graduation ceremony. That was becos im going to leave a fun place.
On Friday im going to cry again. But this time cry becos it marks the end of me.
Everyday teacher ask me "why you give up so easily? If you give up difficult things in life then thats so sad!". Wait wait... Ok, i think many of your still dun get my point. My point is this isnt the way for me, i mean i dint want JC life in the first place. I admit i went to JC cos of herding instinct. I admit i went to JC because my parents insisted. But if i had realised all these earlier...i wun be here. First three months is a total lie. Stupid me tot JC life is gonna be like 1st three months forever. Thus i stayed on, and realised i had "上了贼船" (as one of my senior described AJC). Wrong subject combi also. I wanted something like Chinese and computing but no such combi. And little did i realised that Math C was continuation of A Math, which was totally screwed by Mdm Teo in sec3/4. Thus you see this is not the way i wanted it... In fact everything turn out screwed. I regret choosing a wrong path. And why should I be working for a wrong path i had chosen? I dint gave up. Guai Lan me insisted to be guai lan till the very end. Insisted in hating math and not believing in my teachers and all those fuck idioms or phrases....
Dun blame me, AJC made me so depressed. I wasnt ZOMBiE before that.
Mdm Teo Mdm Teo... one of the lousiest math teacher in VS... So suay to tio her... Last time i totally gave up on math. Thus i failed A Math, taking two calculators into the exam hall and sleep. I hated math since PSLE when i needa do 50 math qn in 1.5 hours. Same problem: I neber know how to start and CARELESS MISTAKES! Same problem of not practising enough since young. I just hate math. WHY CANT YOU GUYS JUST ACCEPT?!
So what did i achieve in 2 years? Well these 2 years are wasted academically, but not in some other aspect. When i was Sec 3/4 i was damn curious about how ppl actually create software and such. Then Mr Chan taught me DnT, about product designing. He told me to look out of posters and designs on the streets to get inspiration for my coursework. Again i was curious how people actually make such posters?
Being a mugger i mug at home whole day by the name of "a good boy" and "score for O levels". Thus i never got the answer to all these questions. I ever tried to learn Flash, but always turn off by the codings.
Which means one thing: Before i step into AJC, i noe nuts about programming and gfx design. IIRC, only me and Elvin stepped into the computing class with nothing in our heads. No concept of programming or how actually computers work. The only thing i did right is to choose Computing. Wanna thank Mr Kho, Mr Khor and Mr Ang, for being patient to a noob like me.
Every computing lesson is like a little candle in all these dark part of JC life. Maybe cos i get along better with the other 5. Maybe cos only they find my lame jokes funny enuff. Getting "Humongous"? Also teacher never strict with us. Free style learning, eat in class, play games, take off shoes normally NO PROBLEM! Only lesson can put two bare legs on another chair and sit right in front of air con and munching cheesedogs away. Damn song!
Then i started to explore Photoshop. Got some tips from Tsun Lam and all his tutorial sites. Also the idea of "zombifying" people's face started off everything. I dunno why, but its just 一拍即合, somehow no matter how hard the thing i wanna express, how hard the design is, it will eventually fall in place. As in you sit on your computer table looking at the design, and the next moment some ideas will pop up to fill the poster bit by bit.
I started to learn Flash. Something i always hopped to master in. AS programming is much simpler than C++. Everything now falls into place. The Flash, the Graphical Interface, the coding all seems to come together now.
Thinking back, i had answered all my questions in Sec 4. JC started me off to fulfill my curiosity on software development and designing. Dun ask me how i did it, all i can say its "just pon lecture, dun do hw and slack in tutorial lah!"
Teachers Liars Shuan: Politicians are the 2nd best liars in the world Another guy: Ya the lawyers are the best liars! Me: Then who third? Shuan: Teachers lor! They tell you in one month can shoot from F to A! You believe anot? SH: Can mah! Why not?! Me: *show disgusted face
I was fooled by my teachers in Sec 4: Just give your best for the last month before O's. After that you can do watever you want! You can play all day or dun sleep....
Ya rite...after O's its only few weeks to JC life (nitemare). And come to JC everyone seemed to be doing their hw when im asking "teacher, this one need to do anot?". Fake! Today Lusan said the same thing! After A's can relax and slack.
FAKE! After A's go NS liao! If go Uni, u got to MUG MORE! And all these happening in a short time. You really think its gonna get better after A's? NO!!! Just like after O's almost immediately you go JC and you needa work 10000 times harder. So what my teacher say after O's you can enjoy all you want is FAKE! BLUFF!
If go Uni, SAME PROBLEM! Need to mug also! Mug MORE! So im NEVER looking forward to the days after A's... NEVER...
Remember: There is always light at the end of the tunnel, cos its a train coming in your way.
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Ya... I damn scared ppl lurk around my blog and steal pictures, but i noe i ugly scared but some ppl think he/she damn cute sia... (referring to only one person) WTF... (no Tomato, not toking about you, u is the really cute one hahaha).
Sorry hor, why you offended me in the first place when things never involve you? Why you want to sow discord between me and my 02 friend? Why? U think i nice bully? Try lah, and i will become "undesirable"!
Of sooo many people i chose to forgive/forget/dun bother. But you pissed me off so much i will never forget for life. For one i admitted im wrong though I tot its all a misunderstanding. For another its none of the person's business. Only you poke your nose in kar jiao so much and stir trouble. I hate your attitude. Go home stare mirror and let it shatter due to your bimbo-ness.
What you think BlogLock is for? You want it?
Well, i I will finish off the Kiat way: This entry was written purely for entertainment, and although it touches upon various real and serious issue, may not represent the people involved accurately. An example of such inaccuracy is that humans are currently still unable to shatter mirror by staring into it. Thus no such people i mention existed in the real world.
Bought this for $1 today. When they two fly towards and collide, it produce this very si-fi "eeeee-iiinng" sound. Quite lame but interesting. I think its cos the magnet is quite hollow, when they hit they make a "tuck" sound, and when they vibrate upon collision the sound was repeated on each vibration, causing a series of sounds. Thats just my guess.
There seems to be some off sync between audio and video in the above youTube clip. The sound is produced immediately when the two magnets collide.
Decided to talk a little break as i had not gone out since prelims, despite my math teacher trying to encourage me to pass math today.AWWW.
Went Suntec eat pizza w 4Stars. I ordered the stupid spicy spagetti...wah lew...so small...then i was discussing w 4Stars about how exp the service charge and GST was...then this ah em waitress was listening to us and keep saying "beri cheap liao beri cheap liao!". Cheap le eh si lang tao...spagetti so small plate must $8. It neber taste as nice as the Swensen one, the Swensen seafood one really tok gong and nice. Then her vegge pizza came, i see her last time eat pizza the cheese and chilli powder pour like free. So i open the chilli powder container and pour 1/4 of it in. LOL! She almost burst into flames. Luckily IMF over liao.
Yet she still add more and more cheese powder. See pic above, the cheese and chilli initially same level, after eating now the cheese decrease like siao. Just for ONE personal pan pizza. "下雪了!下雪了!"
See pic above, to add to the bian tai-ness, i added half a bottle of pepper to the mushroom soup. Those brown patches are actually undissolved/mixed pepper cos too saturated liao.
Then went over to Bugis after pizza to Action City and saw this:
The image is blurred but its some audio visualizer mechanical fish that will wag its tail by the tunes. On the bottom left of the box it says "Do Not Use in Water". Its call iFish.
On the way 4stars met alot of her friends...so suay? LOL. She met one tall and muscular guy. I tot he 20+, then she told me he J1 only like her. I was like WTF? I like never see such a "偶像剧" guys in AJC LOR! WTF? Even guys in other JC look better than those in AJC? She met some gals who like again damn matured like:
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and unlike AJCians... -_-. Though i noe some small small cute cute one in AJC.
Bugis Street was as usual....the Sex Life shop is still here with all the shaking big dildo dancing away there and some various guai lan condoms on display. The panties specialist still there also. The only thing that is not there is Zhang Zhen Yue's Jia Jian PI album.
Well... at the Albert Street the Si Ma Lu there, saw this:
If next time i fail A's...then this shall be my job....
Next up went to OG enjoy flee aircon. Saw a demo of those Hip Hop Pets, which is similar to the iFish, but IIRC, iFish got audio out to your earphones, while Hip Hop Pets needa use the built in speakers.
Nike got this erxin bag:
But one fits the TKGS uniform very well:
And WTF is my P doing in OG????
Large tamagotchi:
On the way back to Bugis Junction, this guai lan ice cream is promoting: Click for larger pic, and see how disgusting its dick is dangling there!
Saw this on the MRT: "Peep into my stuff At your own RISK!!" LOL? One dozen of pads and tampons inside???
Depressant Drug - Fedex Fedex (pink drowy flu med) seemed to be making me more enegetic. It seems to have some tranquilising effect on me, and effectively calmed my soul. It feels like taking some depressant when eating Fedex, suddenly you feel so nice to sleep, suddenly all the troubles seemed to have gone away. Suddenly i can sit down and concentrate. Yet, im good in fighting sleepiness thus the "drowy" part dun really stop me from doing my Photoshop and enjoying mooncakes. No PE for me tml. I had skipped all games PE session in JC. I dun like playing soccer or bball.
Fedex is no doubt effective, no more block nose or mucus. I had wetted my hanky this morning in skool just by sneezing. When i sneeze, mucus flooded out and i sniffed them back, thus choking my throat which will make a loud cough and produce phlegm. Thus today was just sticky for me.
Sour Grapes Anyway i was wild thinking again. I always told people not to mug, be creative, bu guai lan, do what you like and persue in your dreams, rather than sticking to the A's. Then i tot again. Am i right? Or isit im just sour grapes that i cant great scores like a lot others? I cant get good scores than i tell ppl dun study and fail with me???
SH studied so much and got good grades for computing. I dun wanna bluff, but i did studied last minute. The reason why i dun say i mugged is cos for other subjects, mugging is practising papers and making mind maps. For computing i did the most basic - just select some and read lect notes. SH is a smart guy. But why he took so long to study and i took so little time and produced the same results? Why?
Dun tell me i have flare in it. To be honest, IIRC, me and HDD are the 2 two that came into JC without a single bit of knowledge on Programing. Kiat was a programmer long ago. Kai Yang anf Ani had attended courses before. SH studied in Sec 1 and 2 before. Me and HDD came in with nothing.
Guess the year i started Photoshop? 2005 yes correct when im J1. Guess the year i started learning Flash prgramming? 3rd quarter of 2005. Started C++ in 2005 as well. Which basically means im not some in born genius that hacked Windows since the age when you can go into Gal's toilet legall (age 8 in SG).
On the other hand, i keep telling myself i cant do math. Had i tired? No. Of course not, becos i hate that subject. I hated math since P1 when you are to do 50 questions in 1.5 hours. I dreaded math and liked Chinese and Science most. Thats why Ms Lee told me "you not only lag in practice, but lag in practice since YOUNG!". Same thing happened in O's where i gave up on A math and failed. But i cant give up Math C here cos i wun have enuff subject.
I dun understand. Why must everyone force me to do things that i dread and ignore other things im interested in? Why everyone tell me to "Its all in the mind, you can do it one!". WTF? I NOT being simply pessimistic i cant do math. Simply cos I HATE math. its ALL in the mind that i HATE math. I did bad for Physics as well, but im far mroe willing to spend times on physics despiting knowing i will fail than on math.
Again, isit cos i not willing to be hardworking thus failed math and use "I hate math" as excuse? Maybe?
"Its NOT in the mind" I hate it when ppl keep saying "Its all in the mind", meaning you want to do it you can do it. Also "Hardwork 99% Intelligence 1%". There are nothing wrong with them. You got to work hard and achieve toget what ou want. Be it programming, photography, singing....
But when you dun not want something or hate smthing, there is no point saying "work hard for it". I dun want my A's cert and i dun want my Uni place. And ppl telling me work hard for it. Ok lets view this in another angle:
You tell your math teacher, "hey blogging is the cool thing now! Lets make this nice template for your blog! Then enter blogging contest!". And your teacher try and try. Teacher: "This HTML stuff is killing me...erm can we goto math?" Student: "No, HTML is easy!" Teacherr: "Im getting headache over these man...I noob lah!" Student: "Dun give up! Its all IN YOUR MIND!" Teacher: "But im not into IT, i dunno what all these jargons are!" Student: "Easy! Read digital life, hilight all the jargons, goto internet search..also..........." Teacher: "I hate IT STUFF!" Student: "DUN BE PESSIMISTIC! Come on, ITS ALL IN YOUR MIND, can one!" Teacher: "But..." Student: "No BUTs, focus, tell yourself you can do it, you started off learning blogging becos you want to enter the compy!" Teacher: "Ok this is not what i want, i want to give up" Student: "Give up, draw back? No way man, you had entered your name, if you submit a blank blog ppl will laugh at you! Dun let the Principal know becos it will relfect no good!" Teacher: "Its just not my cup of tea!" Student: "You think A Level's is my cup of tea? You think i like A's?!" Teacher: "But dun waste your 2 years here!" Student: "You also! U going for blogging course so long liao, dun waste!" Teacher: "I haven achieved much for the course frankly!" Student: "I learnt nuts on math yet the whole world wants to to take and fail the A's!" Teacher: "Come on, be more heardworking, this is your crucial month, do your best can get A one!" Student: "Ya you also, be more harsworking and come out with a nice template and contents, this last month for compy is crucial!!" Teacher: "Stop wasting my time, blogging SUCKS!" Student: "Stop wasting my time, math SUCKS!"
Well you see, when it comes to something that is simply not your cup of tea and you hate it, or forced to do it, "Its all in your mind" does not work at all! Cos its NOT IN MY MIND! Trying to persuade me to work harder for smthing I dread is going to disgust me more. Cannot say "learnt to love math". You hate means you hate. U cannot "try to love" smthing unless there is really smthing that worth me loving, but in the case of Math there is not.
Kiat will never befriend Dec. You can tell them "Its all in your mind" and nothing will work, they bash you up only. Or you can try "Try to like Dec/Kiat, you need it!". They bash up harder. The only condition is that both of them see some good points in each other, which is almost impossible since they had see too much bad points in each other for 2 years. More over i had gone through my dark life dreading math for 18 years liao!
Depressant Drug - Fedex Fedex (pink drowy flu med) seemed to be making me more enegetic. It seems to have some tranquilising effect on me, and effectively calmed my soul. It feels like taking some depressant when eating Fedex, suddenly you feel so nice to sleep, suddenly all the troubles seemed to have gone away. Suddenly i can sit down and concentrate. Yet, im good in fighting sleepiness thus the "drowy" part dun really stop me from doing my Photoshop and enjoying mooncakes. No PE for me tml. I had skipped all games PE session in JC. I dun like playing soccer or bball.
Fedex is no doubt effective, no more block nose or mucus. I had wetted my hanky this morning in skool just by sneezing. When i sneeze, mucus flooded out and i sniffed them back, thus choking my throat which will make a loud cough and produce phlegm. Thus today was just sticky for me.
Sour Grapes Anyway i was wild thinking again. I always told people not to mug, be creative, bu guai lan, do what you like and persue in your dreams, rather than sticking to the A's. Then i tot again. Am i right? Or isit im just sour grapes that i cant great scores like a lot others? I cant get good scores than i tell ppl dun study and fail with me???
SH studied so much and got good grades for computing. I dun wanna bluff, but i did studied last minute. The reason why i dun say i mugged is cos for other subjects, mugging is practising papers and making mind maps. For computing i did the most basic - just select some and read lect notes. SH is a smart guy. But why he took so long to study and i took so little time and produced the same results? Why?
Dun tell me i have flare in it. To be honest, IIRC, me and HDD are the 2 two that came into JC without a single bit of knowledge on Programing. Kiat was a programmer long ago. Kai Yang anf Ani had attended courses before. SH studied in Sec 1 and 2 before. Me and HDD came in with nothing.
Guess the year i started Photoshop? 2005 yes correct when im J1. Guess the year i started learning Flash prgramming? 3rd quarter of 2005. Started C++ in 2005 as well. Which basically means im not some in born genius that hacked Windows since the age when you can go into Gal's toilet legall (age 8 in SG).
On the other hand, i keep telling myself i cant do math. Had i tired? No. Of course not, becos i hate that subject. I hated math since P1 when you are to do 50 questions in 1.5 hours. I dreaded math and liked Chinese and Science most. Thats why Ms Lee told me "you not only lag in practice, but lag in practice since YOUNG!". Same thing happened in O's where i gave up on A math and failed. But i cant give up Math C here cos i wun have enuff subject.
I dun understand. Why must everyone force me to do things that i dread and ignore other things im interested in? Why everyone tell me to "Its all in the mind, you can do it one!". WTF? I NOT being simply pessimistic i cant do math. Simply cos I HATE math. its ALL in the mind that i HATE math. I did bad for Physics as well, but im far mroe willing to spend times on physics despiting knowing i will fail than on math.
Again, isit cos i not willing to be hardworking thus failed math and use "I hate math" as excuse? Maybe?
"Its NOT in the mind" I hate it when ppl keep saying "Its all in the mind", meaning you want to do it you can do it. Also "Hardwork 99% Intelligence 1%". There are nothing wrong with them. You got to work hard and achieve toget what ou want. Be it programming, photography, singing....
But when you dun not want something or hate smthing, there is no point saying "work hard for it". I dun want my A's cert and i dun want my Uni place. And ppl telling me work hard for it. Ok lets view this in another angle:
You tell your math teacher, "hey blogging is the cool thing now! Lets make this nice template for your blog! Then enter blogging contest!". And your teacher try and try. Teacher: "This HTML stuff is killing me...erm can we goto math?" Student: "No, HTML is easy!" Teacherr: "Im getting headache over these man...I noob lah!" Student: "Dun give up! Its all IN YOUR MIND!" Teacher: "But im not into IT, i dunno what all these jargons are!" Student: "Easy! Read digital life, hilight all the jargons, goto internet search..also..........." Teacher: "I hate IT STUFF!" Student: "DUN BE PESSIMISTIC! Come on, ITS ALL IN YOUR MIND, can one!" Teacher: "But..." Student: "No BUTs, focus, tell yourself you can do it, you started off learning blogging becos you want to enter the compy!" Teacher: "Ok this is not what i want, i want to give up" Student: "Give up, draw back? No way man, you had entered your name, if you submit a blank blog ppl will laugh at you! Dun let the Principal know becos it will relfect no good!" Teacher: "Its just not my cup of tea!" Student: "You think A Level's is my cup of tea? You think i like A's?!" Teacher: "But dun waste your 2 years here!" Student: "You also! U going for blogging course so long liao, dun waste!" Teacher: "I haven achieved much for the course frankly!" Student: "I learnt nuts on math yet the whole world wants to to take and fail the A's!" Teacher: "Come on, be more heardworking, this is your crucial month, do your best can get A one!" Student: "Ya you also, be more harsworking and come out with a nice template and contents, this last month for compy is crucial!!" Teacher: "Stop wasting my time, blogging SUCKS!" Student: "Stop wasting my time, math SUCKS!"
Well you see, when it comes to something that is simply not your cup of tea and you hate it, or forced to do it, "Its all in your mind" does not work at all! Cos its NOT IN MY MIND! Trying to persuade me to work harder for smthing I dread is going to disgust me more. Cannot say "learnt to love math". You hate means you hate. U cannot "try to love" smthing unless there is really smthing that worth me loving, but in the case of Math there is not.
Kiat will never befriend Dec. You can tell them "Its all in your mind" and nothing will work, they bash you up only. Or you can try "Try to like Dec/Kiat, you need it!". They bash up harder. The only condition is that both of them see some good points in each other, which is almost impossible since they had see too much bad points in each other for 2 years. More over i had gone through my dark life dreading math for 18 years liao!
We often see in Bugis Street these few stalls selling primary mando pop audio CD. They are cheap, only about $7 per album with sometimes a discount of $6.50 an album if you buy many. Taking a closer look you will find this shiny "XY" labels on them. They are NOT pirated. They are parallel imported from China.
Aside from audio quality (which will be the focus later), the main difference between a China import CD and Singapore Version CD is that Singapore Version albums have nicer and more elaborated packaging and sometimes with small freebies like a tee or a calendar. China imported comes with simple CD sleeve and the jewel case with a protective plastic film on it. Thats it. Lyrics book will of course be provided as well.
China has more than a billion of people, and assuming most of them actually listen to mando pop. Thus the selling price need not be high to earn enuff to throw money like water. Also the low pricing competes with piracy. Thus even on added transport cost to singapore, the CDs are still cheaper.
So i decided to give the audio quality of Singapore Version and China Import a little test.
Using Jay's Still Fantasy, song Twilight Seven. iAudio G3 Flat all EQ and enhancement with Audio Technica CK-7. Seriously i cant notice any difference, it feels like repeating the same track again and again yet its two tracks (SG and CH versions).
Ok, using my RME DIGI96/8 PST > Headroom Max Balanced > Sony MDR-SA5000
there are very little if at all any difference between the chinese and singapore mastered CD's. The only differences i could pick up were the slight emphasis on background details present in the Singapore track (such as the violin, in twiglights seven. its slightly more prominent than in the chinese version).
Of course if you cd contains slight scratches or anything of that sort, its easy for these things to occur during encoding into wav.
So I've come to conclude that the 8 dollar CD is just as good as the singapore's 18 dollar offering =P
Don't be surprised though.
Well the audio tests seem to tally. Though its not 100% accurate since i used only one album and 2 songs to test. So you can now buy the CH import version safely without and worries, if you dun give a damn about those freebies and fanciful packaging. After all you appreciate the music and credits goes to the artist, not the fashion designer or product packager....just my 2 cents worth!
You can download the sample files i used here. But remember, only Singapore version allowed in autograph session!!!
Feverish Fuck... lah...eat too much aw lua, moon cakes, curry rice, chicken wings...plus whole day gaming then no drink water...my throat went dry and got imflammed. Now slight fever..
I wish can get MC somehow to escape skool for a few days.
Happy Children's Day Its children's day 39 minutes ago. I wish all children happy children day. Take this holiday and rest, dun mug. And of course dun grow big be as bad as gor gor.
>> Enter Serious Tone
Ok liddat, I dun like AJC. But it doesnt mean EVERYONE hates it. There will be people who likes the school but i guess most of them are neutral about it.
Why i say a lot of people hate AJC is simply by general observation. Some J1's had recently set up an online forum out of desperation becos there is few effective ways to communicate with the authorities. I posted an online survey for AJCian, in 50 students, more than 980% do not like the school and wanted to change if given the chance. Through daily conversation we had heard enough of similar ideas. These evidence isnt enough to prove anything. But there is a trend out there. Personally, i can "feel" it, the "grumpiness".
Ya you say "be the brave soul and walk into the principal's office and talk openly about it".
No one wants to bring trouble to himself, IMO, our VP is really a sharp tongue with great command of English that can gun you down within few sentences. Sad to say, when asked for evidence and support, the rest of the student simply dare not stand out. We all know VP isnt really the woman to mess with.
Unignal had blogged indirectly about the school, was called up by the VP. There was a lot of disclaimers and VP wun recognised them. So Unignal deleted his blog postings and yet VP still say that he was blogging wrong about AJC. Kind of misunderstanding. Unignal emailed some suggestions to VP and hope to improve the JC. She did not really looked into them.
Then our computing teacher was discussing w me about this issue one day. He told me VP had already told Unignal's form teacher never to give good conduct grades (despite his acceptable everyday conduct) to him. This was neber told and revealed to Unignal.
With his incident told to other people. They fear even more. There is a big wide gap between the authorities and us now. I admit we haven try and do our best to try to bridge the gap, but in our eyes there is no practical solution to it in the moment. The skool seldom say "sorry". Even they do they will always retort back. They stick to the very politically correct policies and rules, so much that the teachers do that as well.
My teachers strongly emphasis that we come to JC to get out A's cert, the CCAs and other stuffs are not important. Its true to a certain extend. But i believe that socialising, developing your characters and talents, learning way of life and enjoying the stay and being with one another is actually more valuable than the A's cert. Having to meet a nice friend like Unignal beat the A's cert far far already.